Mann PTA
What is Mann PTA?
Mann PTA is a group of parents who desire to help creae a positive environment and relationship between teachers, students, and families at Mann Elementary. Our board is made up of five members, a president, first vice president, second vice president, secretary, and treasurer.
What does Mann PTA do?
In short, we do a lot! We have a full events calendar each year and provide affordable, family-friendly events for all to enjoy. Some events are fundraisers and some events are free and serve as a fun time to get together and meet other Mann families. We also organize fall and spring pictures, the fall and spring book fair, and publish a school yearbook. We hold meetings on the second Thursday of each month at the school. The meetings are open to all Mann families to attend.
What are monthly PTA meetings?
We hold PTA meetings on the second Thursday of each month. Meetings begin at 5:30pm are are held at the school in room #XXX. We discuss upcoming events, review past events, plan fundraisers and discuss ways we can help the school. A treasurer's report is presented as each meeting as welll as a report from the principal. Meetings usually last just under one hour.
Why join Mann PTA?
Joining Mann PTA is a great way to become an active part of your child’s academic journey and to stay in-the-know on what’s happening at school. It is also a great way to connect with the principal, teachers, parents, and students.
How do I join Mann PTA?
Joining is easy! Fill out our membership form and pay your $5 dues! Click on the links below to officially become a Mann PTA member! Although we would love to have you as a member, you do not have to be an official member to attend our events.
How can I volunteer with Mann PTA?
We are always in need of volunteers and could not do all that we do without the help of volunteers. We have several volunteer opportunities available that range from hands-on help with planning, setting up, and working events, to all kinds of behind the scenes needs. Whatever your skill or time availability, we have a place for you! A volunteer application must be on file with SPS in order to help at our events. To learn more about this and see specific ways you can volunteer, visit our Volunteer page.
How do we spend our money?
Any fundraising money we make goes directly back to the school! We help teachers and staff by providing supplies and resources. We help fund field trips for each grade level. We help provide playground equipment for students and special treats and incentives for them throughout the year. Our business sponsors provide a class t-shirt for each student. Our fundraising money is always put to good use and benefits the whole school!